How to send a PDF file to a WhatsApp group in Python

Using the WhatsMate WhatsApp Gateway REST API

This article shows you how to send a document (e.g. a PDF file, an MP4 file, a WAV file, etc.) to a WhatsApp group in Python.

To send a PDF document to a WhatsApp group in Python, do this:

  1. First, learn how to send a simple text message on the official site.
  2. With the above knowledge, you can now download our sample code.
  3. Locate the file python/
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import base64
    import requests
    # TODO: When you have your own Client ID and secret, put down their values here:
    clientId = "YOUR_OWN_ID_HERE"
    clientSecret = "YOUR_OWN_SECRET_HERE"
    # TODO: Customize the following 3 lines
    group = 'YOUR UNIQUE GROUP NAME HERE' # TODO Specify your unique group name here
    fullpath_to_document = "../assets/subwaymap.pdf"
    fn = "anyname.pdf"
    caption = "You will find it useful" # caption is optional; can be None
    # Encode the document in base64 format
    doc_base64 = None
    with open(fullpath_to_document, 'rb') as doc:
    doc_base64 = base64.b64encode(
    headers = {
    'X-WM-CLIENT-ID': clientId,
    'X-WM-CLIENT-SECRET': clientSecret
    jsonBody = {
    'group_name ': group,
    'document': doc_base64,
    'filename': fn,
    'caption': caption
    r ="" % instanceId,
    print("Status code: " + str(r.status_code))
    print("RESPONSE : " + str(r.content))
  4. Study the Python source code and customize the TODO/FIXME lines.
    • Among other things, you must name your group creatively. Otherwise, the group may not receive the message.
  5. Change to the directory containing the script: cd python
  6. Run the Python script to send yourself the first PDF file: ./

Happy coding :)