This article shows you how to build an interactive price quoting application over Telegram in Python. The application responds to user’s requests for price quotes interactively. Don’t know what I am talking about? The following screenshot should explain it more clearly: <h3...
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This article shows you how to build an interactive price quoting application over Telegram in Node.js. The application responds to user’s requests for price quotes interactively. Don’t know what I am talking about? The following screenshot should explain it more clearly: <h3...
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This article shows you how to write a simple Python script to retrieve the weather condition of a city from Yahoo APIs and send it to yourself. Before you can receive the Telegram message, you will need to register with the...
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This article shows you how to write a simple Python script to monitor your beloved stock and send an alert to yourself when it hits your target price. Read on to get rich from your capital gain :) Before...
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